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Pulp Line Machine Double Disc Refiner

The double-disc refiner is mainly used to make pulp for toilet paper, corrugated paper, kraft paper and other papers. The quality of pulp determines the quality of paper, so high-quality pulping equipment is very important. Its main function is to improve the degree of slurry disengagement to meet the papermaking needs of the paper mill.

More Information Of Pulp Line Double Disc Refiner

The grinding discs of the double-disc refiner are removable and easy to clean.
Its grinding discs use precision manufacturing technology to improve the purity and quality of the fiber.
Leizhan provides a complete set of pulp and paper making line equipment, and pulping solution.

Our pulping equipment is highly efficient and low-energy, making it the ideal pulping and paper making equipment for most paper mills. If you are interested, welcome to learn about the price and details of our equipment.
Email: pulppaperpump@gmail.com
