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Sizing In Paper Making Project

The two basic sizing methods used by papermakers are: internal sizing and surface sizing. Internal sizing is to reduce the penetration rate of water by using rosin or other chemicals to affect contact angle; surface sizing generally uses starch particles to fill the gaps on the surface of paper sheet, reducing the pore radius and reducing the penetration rate of liquid.

Internal Sizing Method On Paper Machine

1. The size of the internal sizing is an important factor affecting the amount of squeezing of the sizing press. If the raw paper before the sizing press is not sizing, during the sizing press, the absorbing water is also absorbed due to the large amount of absorbing. More, the paper sheet is wet again, the strength is decreased, and the breakage rate is increased.

2. Therefore, in the production process, reduce the breakage, control the amount of glue, but also pay attention to the concentration of the glue coating.

3. When producing low-quantity paper, it is necessary to add a certain amount of wet strength agent. 

Sizing is an important step during paper making, so it is necessary to choose advance and high efficiency sizing machine for paper production line. Leizhan supply complete paper making equipment for paper plant, any question or interest, be free to  contact: paperpulpmachinery@gmail.com
